Reviews. 17.09.2020
Free English Lesson with Notes

Free English lesson with Notes. Emphasis Phrases. C1

Author: Green Forest

Якщо ви хочете розказати друзям англійською про щось найцікавіше, найогидніше або інше "най-най" у вашому житті, то вам обов'язково необхідно пройти наш новий безкоштовний урок Emphasis Phrases -

В новому Free English Lesson with Notes ➡️ ви дізнаєтесь слова, які використовуються, щоб акцентувати увагу в реченні. А за допомогою інтерактивних завдань, навчитеся їх правильно використовувати.

Use it right!

There are several words that can be used to add emphasis:

  1. So + adjective / Such + plural noun phrase / Such a / an + singular noun phrase

    The book was so interesting! but It was such an interesting book.
    I didn't think that the movie would be so gripping! but I didn’t think that it would be such a gripping movie!
    They are so nice! but They are such nice people!

  2.  In Present and Past Simple we can emphasize the information with the help of auxiliaries do, does, did Subject + auxiliary verb + V1 + Object. It's used to say that you actually do or did something and can be used in affirmative sentences only.

    He does want to see you. It's not a joke.
    I do know the answers. I've read this book twice.
    I did lock the doors. I have no clue why they're unlocked.

  3. Indeed (meaning really) can be used after a verb to add emphasis or in the following combinations very + ADJ + indeed or noun phrase + indeed

    He's a great writer indeed. (meaning actually)
    I'm very busy indeed. (meaning really)
    Can you really play the bagpipe? — | can indeed. (meaning really)

  4. Very can be used with adjectives or adverbs; it can also mean the exact one or the extreme end of something

    I'm not very busy tonight. (used with adjective to emphasize its meaning)
    This is the very dress I've told you about (exactly that one)
    Let's meet at the very top of the skyscraper. (the top of the skyscraper)

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