Exams. 31.10.2012

Подготовка к сдаче TOEFL. ELECTIONS

Автор: Таня Пекарчук

В TOEFL.cafe мы не только слышали о политике, а еще и решили о ней поговорить. Когда, как не сейчас? Выборы на разных стадиях чуть ли не по всему миру: где-то еще только проводятся кампании, где-то как раз голосуют, а где-то – уже подсчитывают голоса. 


Даже мой любимый MIT Technology Review пишет о выборах и о политике. Там, правда, проблемы подсчета голосов совсем не такие, как в Украине. Вашему вниманию The States with the Riskiest Voting Technology 

Some states—including swing states—are more vulnerable to glitches that could tip the election. But the lack of a paper backup means such errors can go undetected
Next Tuesday’s presidential election will likely be extremely close, magnifying the potential impact of vote-counting errors. So it could be problematic that several states rely on computerized voting machines that don’t print out a paper record that can be verified by voters and recounted by election officials if necessary.
Such machines are in use in 16 states (...). Computer scientists and fair-election advocates have warned for years that potential software malfunctions are possible threats to the integrity of elections in counties and states that use these machines.
Another 13 states, including battleground states such as Nevada, Wisconsin, Ohio, and North Carolina, have at least some polling stations that use voting machines with a precautionary measure: a receipt that can be checked later—a so-called voter-verified paper audit trail. These machines are still vulnerable to software glitches, but voters at least have a chance to spot errors and make sure their vote gets registered and recorded accurately.
Most of this computerized equipment—direct recording electronic voting machines, or DREs—has been introduced since federal legislation was enacted in 2002 that allocated $4 billion toward modernizing the voting process. There are several makes and models, and user interfaces vary, but all rely on computers to register and store votes. This makes them vulnerable to software bugs that could undercount or overcount votes. The DREs that don’t produce paper records are considered the riskiest because a malfunction in such machines could be impossible to detect, much less fix.
These warnings, combined with reports of voting machine problems—1,800 were reported to election hotlines in 2008, and 300 during the 2010 midterm elections, according to a report by authors from the Verified Voting Foundation, Rutgers Law School, and Common Cause—have led many states to avoid or replace e-voting machines. Instead they employ paper ballots that can be read by optical scanners. Computer scientists who have studied election technology say this method is safer than DREs.
In contested states like Colorado, Pennsylvania, and Virginia—which depend heavily on paperless DREs—a glitch involving just a small number of votes could change the election’s outcome. Florida, another state whose polls show a thin margin between President Obama and Mitt Romney, has paperless DRE machines available for disabled voters, because the technology is considered a way to improve voting accessibility. 
И, как всегда, вашему вниманию несколько полезных слов и словосочетаний для облегчения изучения английского языка и подготовки к TOEFL.
  • swing states : a voter who has not decided who to vote for in an election
  • glitch, n : a small and sudden problem, especially with technology such as a computer              
a software glitch
  • go undetected: continue to happen in a way that is not noticed or seen                                    
His wrongdoing went undetected for many years.
  • to warn that: to tell someone that something bad or dangerous may happen, so that they can avoid it or prevent it  
'Be careful, the rocks are slippery,' Alex warned.
  • official, n: someone who is in a position of authority in an organization                                        
a government official
  • battleground, n:  a place where a battle takes place or where one took place in the past
  • to spot errors: to notice an error
  • accurately, adv.: correctly  
Have I described the situation accurately?
  • to enact: to make a proposal into a law  
Congress refused to enact the bill.
  • to allocate: to officially give something to someone, or to decide that something can be used for a specific purpose    
No agreement was reached on how much money should be allocated.
  • make, n: the name of a particular product or of the company that makes it  
What make is your car?
  • ballot, n: (here) a piece of paper on which you make a secret vote [= ballot paper]  
Only 22% of voters cast their ballots.
  • a thin margin: a small amount by which a competition or election is won

LISTENING: Politics and disgust

О психологии и политическом выборе интересно не только читать, но и слушать. Так David Pizarro расскажет про The strange politics of disgust

SPEAKING: What forms one's political views

Скажите, а что, по вашему мнению, формирует политические убеждения?
На высказывание своей точки зрения у вас есть 30 секунд :) 
Уже готовые ответы присылайте на [email protected] и они не останутся без внимания.

Пока все ждут результатов подсчета голосов, вы можете заняться подготовкой к TOEFL, при этом оставаясь в теме. Поэтому на этой неделе напишите (напечатайте) мне, уложившись в 300 слов, How do parents influence political views of their children. Все свои мысли на английском языке присылайте на [email protected]
Среди присланных на [email protected] произведений распространенной ошибкой является неправильное употребление слов. Да да. Слова умные и английские – вопросов нет. Однако их значение имеет тот или иной оттенок. И часто перевод не передает того содержания, которое имеет слово в английском языке. 

Например, два таких слова: opportunity та possibility. Оба можно перевести словом "возможность". Однако,
opportunity = a chance to do something, or a situation in which it is easy for you to do something, так вам везет или хорошо складываются обстоятельства :),
possibility= it might be true or it might happen, потому что это возможно! 

Поэтому если вы имели opportunity to do something, это значит, что у вас была хорошая возможность. Если же у вас была possibility of doing something, то вы могли что-то сделать. И внимательные еще и заметили, что грамматически эти два слова ведут себя тоже по-разному: после первого идет инфинитив, а после второго – герундий. 

Как с этим бороться? Попробуйте понимать слово, а не просто запоминать его перевод! Как? Вам пригодятся всевозможные бесплатные онлайн словари Longman Ditionary или  Macmillan Dictionary, и другие.  
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