Newsday Tuesday

Читай новости и учи английский – Ограбление ювелирного магазина на 150 млн долларов


Even though we tend to believe that huge robberies are possible only in the movies, they do happen. And sometimes they are just like the ones we see in movies. Last week London’s jewelers were robbed of $150 million worth of jewelry. ABC News will tell us how it happened.


Background information:
Hatton Garden is a street and area most famous for being London’s jewellery quarter and centre of the UK diamond trade.
Good Friday is a Christian religious holiday commemorating the crucifixion of Jesus Christ, observed during Holy Week on the Friday preceding Easter Sunday. It is also known as Holy Friday, Great Friday, Black Friday.
Getaway vehicle - a motor vehicle frequently used by the offender to flee the scene of a crime
Monkey wrench 
Bolt cutter
Duffle bag
Plastic bin
Diamond-tipped drill

In order to understand this video we’ll need to know the following words. 

Хотя мы склонны думать, что большие ограбления возможны только в кино, они все же случаются. Иногда они точно такие же, как в кино. На прошлой неделе лондонские ювелиры стали жертвами ограбления, что нанесло ущерб где-то на $150 миллионов. ABC News расскажут, как это было.


Полезная информация:

Хэттон Гарден – улица и район в Лондоне, наиболее известны как ювелирный квартал и центр британской торговли бриллиантами.
Страстная пятница – христианский религиозный праздник, отмечается во время Святой Недели, в пятницу перед Пасхой. Также его называют Великая пятница, Черная пятница.
Транспортное средство для побега – транспортное средство, используемое злоумышленниками для бегства с места преступления.
Разводной гаечный ключ
Вещевой мешок
Пластиковый контейнер
Сверло с алмазным наконечником

Для того, чтобы понять видео, вам понадобятся следующие слова.







an organized group of criminals



a precious or semiprecious stone, especially when cut and polished or engraved 

драгоценный камень

to rip (off)

to take words, ideas etc. from someone else’s work and use them in your own work as if they were your own ideas

содрать, скопировать


close observation, especially of a suspected spy or criminal 


to make off

to escape, to run away



cost roughly judged or calculated 


to appear

to start to be seen or noticed 


to obtain

to get



so expensive that only a very limited number of people can afford to buy it


to haul

to pull something heavy with steady movement



equipment used for specific purpose


to descend

to move or go down


to access

to enter the place 

иметь (получить) доступ


a room with thick walls and a strong door where money, jewels etc. are kept to prevent them from being stolen or damaged 



a group of people working closely together


to admit

to confess that something is true 


to respond

to say or do something in reply 


to be underway

to be in progress

в процессе


And now replace the highlighted phrases in the following sentences by the ones we learnt. If you have difficulties with the task, try watching and inserting necessary phrases at the same time.


to access
to admit

А теперь замените выделенные фразы в этих предложениях на те, что мы изучили. Если у вас возникли проблемы с этим заданием, попробуйте еще раз посмотреть видео и одновременно вставлять необходимые фразы.


to appear
to descend
to haul
to make off
to obtain
to respond
to rip
under way

1.    One of the biggest jewels robbery in the British history. 
2.    Group of professionals made off with precious stones worth more that $100 million dollars over Easter weekend. 
3.    Taken from the pages of a Hollywood script, this newly released observation camera video revealing how a gang of jewel thieves escaped with an about $150 million haul over Easter weekend. 
4.    British newspaper “The Daily Mirror” even naming six of the bandits being seen in the video that the paper exclusively got
5.    There’s Mr. Ginger – a red-headed robber appearing at 9:23 pm on the eve of Good Friday carrying a large trash bag into the basement of the Hatton Garden Safe Deposit building in the London’s most very expensive diamond district. 
6.    Over the course of four days the team is seen bringing all sorts of equipment 
7.    And in a scene straight from “Ocean’s Eleven” police say they came down an elevator shaft before using a diamond-tipped drill to cut through 6 feet of reinforced concrete to get into the protected room
8.    Like in a 2008 movie “The Bank Job” the team raided dozens of safety deposit boxes. 
9.    This morning police here under fire after confessing they didn’t react to the first alarm early Good Friday. 
10.    And now an internal investigation in progress to find out why.


There’s Mr. Ginger. 

This week I’d like to pay your attention to a very simple and common phrase – there’s. I should say that I notice students avoid using it quite often even though it is quite helpful in many situations.
There is (there’s) and there are are very common phrases to use when we want to describe a place, a picture, or just tell that something or someone exists in a certain location. 
There is (there’s) is used for singular and uncountable nouns:

  • there’s Mr. Ginger (one man)
  • there's water (uncountable)

There are is used for plural nouns: 

  • there are some words (more than one)


There is\There are + what + where.

There is Mr. Ginger on the video.

There are some apples on the table. 

Pay attention, that in Ukrainian and Russian these sentences are translated backwards – first we speak about the location, and then about the object. 
Since not many languages have similar constructions, a lot of people make the following mistakes:
Have a lot of food on the table.
There has a lot of food on the table.
It has a lot of food on the table.

But the right variant is:
There is a lot of food on the table. 

На этой неделе я бы хотела обратить ваше внимание на очень простую и привычную фразу – there's. Стоит сказать, что довольно часто студенты избегают ее, хотя эта фраза весьма полезна во многих случаях.
There is (there's) и there are – фразы, которые часто используются для описания места, картинки или чтобы сказать, что что-то или кто-то существует (есть) в определенном месте.
There is (there's) используется с существительными единственного числа и с бесчисленными существительными:

  • there's Mr. Ginger (один человек)
  • there’s water (бесчисленное)

There are используется с множествами:

  • there are some words (более одного)

There’s\There are + что + где

На видео есть Мистер Джинджер.

На столе есть несколько яблок.

Обратите внимание, что на украинский и русский такие предложения переводятся с конца – сначала мы говорим о месте, а потом об объекте.
Поскольку во многих языках подобной конструкции не существует, многие делают следующие ошибки:
Have a lot of food on the table.
There has a lot of food on the table.
It has a lot of food on the table.

Но правильный вариант такой:
There is a lot of food on the table.


Language Task 

Correct the following sentences using there is or there are. 
1.    It has some bread and cheese on the dinner table.
2.    Have children playing on the playground.
3.    There have three black cats and a brown dog in the back yard.
4.    It has three bedrooms in my apartment. 
5.    Has a tree in the middle of the road.

I’m waiting for your answers in the comments or my e-mail: [email protected]


PS. Not only people get annoyed at being watched. Chimpanzees do to! Watch a chimpanzee in the Netherlands deal with a researchers’ drone. 

Жду ваши ответы в комментариях или по электронному адресу: [email protected]


ЗЫ: Не только людям не нравится, когда за ними следят, но и шимпанзе! Смотрите, как шимпанзе в Нидерландах разобрался с дроном исследователей.

Answers to the previous issue about ABC: Florida Woman Gives the Easter Bunny a Helping Hand

Vocabulary Task Keys

1.    real-life
2.    giving a hand
3.    has a thing about
4.    personally
5.    joyful
6.    have means
7.    setting aside; bucks
8.    sneak
9.    chip in
10.    grateful

Language Task Keys.

1.    That girl who you met yesterday is my sister. 
2.    My cat Sophie, which scratched you yesterday, is really aggressive.
3.    That day when I lost my wallet I met my school friend. ,
4.    This is my green table that I bought in IKEA.
5.    This is my parents’ house, where I grew up.

Here you can download the script to the first video!

Prepared by Olha Yankova

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